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"Art making enables students to discover and understand who they are"

Art making has the potential to be interconnected with all the subject areas that students encounter throughout the school day. Seeing the connections between two seemingly disparate subjects like art and science for example, leads to critical and creative ways of understanding both subjects in a relationship. For example watches are not usually considered as melting objects, but artist Salvador Dali connected the idea of melting and watches in order to create a surreal image of time space in ways that suggest Einstein’s theory of relativity. Along with these connections, creating a positive and productive classroom environment are my main goals as an art educator. I believe that learning that happens in the art classroom does not just originate from the teacher or the assignment, but students can learn many important lessons from their classmates. My art classroom is a learning space where students are actively encouraged to bring their prior knowledge and experiences from their personal lives to create works of art with their fellow learners. Art assignments that are open ended allow students to create in a ways that are exploratory and experimental, while also having parameters. These parameters, whether created by students or the teacher's assignment, ensure that all the students are taking part in explorations and experiments that are related to one another. My approach to teaching art goes beyond mere materials and techniques. Rather art making enables students to discover and understand who they are, who they want to be, in addressing problems of identity and culture. It is there that images and ideas arise during the creative process.

"Seeing the connections between two seemingly disparate subjects like art and science for example, leads to critical and creative ways of understanding both subjects in a relationship."

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